Tenant Information

Welcome to your new home!

We are delighted that you chose our property to be your new home.  To assist you with your household concerns, you can go to the useful numbers or useful websites section. If you have a maintenance request, please email it to our office.

Our office number: 0141 339 92 92
Emergency number (after 6pm) – 07432 140 414
Our e-mail address: info@victoriaproperty.uk

Communication is the key to a successful property management-tenant relationship. You are assigned an experienced Property Manager who is familiar with the area and building you are now living in. The Property Manager is available via phone or email, and will be your day-to-day contact.

If your landlord has specified that your property is a smoke free zone, please ensure that if you have  a guest who smokes they will need to do it off the grounds of the property. If you are a pet owner, please make sure you obey all posted and pet rules.

If you have not already done so, you will need to turn all the utilities on for your property in your name, you can find all the numbers on our useful numbers section.

Please take some time to read through the website for handy tips and advice.

We value you as a new tenant and will do everything possible to make your experience enjoyable. If at anytime you have questions or concerns, please let our staff know so we can better service you.

Once again, welcome to your new home. We hope you have a wonderful stay with us.


The Victoria Property Team