Landlord Information

Victoria Property values care, communication, and commitment and that is why every property is assigned to one of our knowledgeable property managers who coordinate each and every detail on your property.

Victoria Property values care, communication, and commitment and that is why every property is assigned to one of our knowledgeable property managers who coordinate each and every detail on your property.

We do not practice “assembly line management”, but quite the opposite. Our dedicated property managers know how important it is to keep our owners informed about things that affect you and your property. Your property manager is the hub between you, your property, and your tenant. Our calls are received not through a voicemail system, but a “live” person during business hours, and we always look forward to taking your call.

Victoria Property will professionally manage your property so that you are worry-free.

  • Prospective tenants are always accompanied by a property manager or assistant property manager when viewing properties and are never allowed to enter alone.
  •  All tenant applicants are thoroughly screened. They complete credit checks, verify employment, and substantiate current and prior rental history references. Your property manager reviews the results and makes a determination based on their qualifications.
  • A thorough interior walk-through of your property is performed upon tenant move-in and move-out. An exterior site check and walk-through is scheduled every three months for new tenants, and yearly thereafter. Periodic drive-bys occur throughout the year. Please note that these are not inspections, but cursory viewings of the property to insure that it is being maintained to Victoria Letting’s standards
  • Victoria Letting collects rents from tenants; and provides monthly and yearly statements.

Fully licensed, insured, and reputable service companies are hired to perform necessary repairs and maintenance as approved by the owner. Tenants have 24 hour-a-day access to contact numbers if any emergency should arise.

Victoria Property maintains strict standards for prospective properties. Our goal is to attract good tenants and to hold your future tenants responsible when they move out, by focusing on the following three criteria:

  • Cleanliness – The house should be thoroughly cleaned. A clean house shows well and rents more quickly.
  • Maintenance – The house and appliances need to be in good working condition.
  • Exterior – A well-maintained garden and house gives a good impression of the house within.

Your property manager will communicate updates on an ongoing basis, always doing their best to keep your costs as low as possible. Recognising that Victoria Property represents the property owners, we hold tenants responsible for costs allowed by law. We will provide information specific to your property when you meet with our representative.

Please give us a call or submit an online inquiry for more information! We trust this letter is a good introduction to our respected company and portrays our commitment to providing the best possible service to both our homeowners and tenants. We look forward to working with you!


The Victoria Property Team ♥️

Phone: 0141 339 9292

Emergency Contact: (After 6pm)
07432 140 414

Communication is the key to a successful property management-landlord relationship. You are assigned an experienced Property Manager who is familiar with the area your property is in. The Property Manager is available via phone or email, and will be your day-to-day contact